Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Polo competition

There was polo competition at cable beach about 2 weeks ago.
Lots of people were there and lively music was playing.
The day was really dry and beautiful weather, so was nice to hang around at the beach. :)

Monday, May 17, 2010


I went to have dinner at Oaks hotel. It's located in close to town beach.
I had pork belly with hokkien noodles. The dish got so big chunk of pork belly!!
But I forgot to take picture of it....
The service was not excellent, but it was ok.
They gave us Latte but we actually ordered Flat white...

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Town Beach

There is another beach in Broome called Town beach.
This beach is not for swimming I think, because there is lots of sand fly.
But the color of the water is better than Cable Beach.

There is Japanese red gate (Torii) at Town beach. It is the memorial for the pearl diver who died for decompression sickness.

Also we can see the Staircase to the Moon at Town Beach. It's a natural phenomenon where the full moon light is reflecting of the mud flats of Roebuck Bay at low tide. Just only 3 days of each month when the full moon from March to September. There is night market at there as well. It's just only first 2 days.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Cable Beach

Today's cable beach.

The water was calm and beautiful. :)
Now is the best season in Broome.
Dry season has come!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Highest tide

Today was the highest tide in Broome at 11.55am.
I went to cable beach. Massive water was there.
The first picture is today's cable beach and the second picture is how the beach looks normally.
The rubbish bin was almost drifted to the sea.


Broome is located in the north of western australia.

Here has beautiful beaches and relaxing atmosphere.